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Boost Your CV: The Best Ways to Get Accounting Work Experience

Discover how to gain valuable accounting work experience, boost your CV, and open doors to exciting career opportunities!

Why Accounting Work Experience Matters

Jumping into an accounting career can open doors you never knew existed. Let’s chat about why getting some accounting work experience is a game-changer for your career.

What Accounting Careers Look Like

Accounting isn’t just about crunching numbers. According to a 2022 study by Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business, accounting is the top gig for folks with business degrees. In 2023, about 1.4 million people in the U.S. were working as accountants or auditors. You can find accountants everywhere—from big public firms to private companies, government offices, and non-profits.

With a solid grip on accounting basics and some real-world experience, you can dive into special areas like tax accounting, forensic accounting, auditing, or management accounting. These paths offer a mix of challenges and rewards for anyone who loves numbers and managing money.

How Work Experience Boosts Your Paycheck

Getting your hands dirty in the accounting world isn’t just about learning new skills; it also fattens your wallet. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says the median pay for accountants and auditors was $79,880 a year in May 2023.

Certifications can really bump up your salary. As of April 2024, Payscale data shows that Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) make around $98,000, and Certified Management Accountants (CMAs) pull in about $101,000 on average. These numbers highlight how important professional certifications and work experience are for boosting your earnings in accounting.

Looking ahead, the job market for accountants and auditors is set to grow by 5% by 2031, showing steady demand for these pros. The median advertised salary for CPAs is about $90,000, proving that more experience equals better pay in accounting.

By diving into internships, entry-level jobs, and hands-on projects, you not only sharpen your skills but also set yourself up for better career opportunities and ongoing growth in the ever-evolving world of accounting.

Requirements and Opportunities

Thinking about a career in accounting? You gotta have the right education. Most employers want you to have at least a bachelor’s degree in accounting. If you go for a master’s, you not only get smarter but also make more money and ace those certification exams.

Job Market Outlook for Accountants

Good news for number crunchers! The job market for accountants is looking up. By 2031, jobs for accountants and auditors are expected to grow by 5%. As of 2023, there were about 1,435,770 accountants and auditors in the U.S., with a job growth rate of 4% from 2022 to 2032.

Switching Between Public and Private Accounting

Accountants can switch between public and private accounting during their careers. Experience in one can help you move to the other. Public accountants often get promoted faster than those in private accounting, so starting in public accounting can help you climb the ladder in the private sector (Franklin University).

Knowing the job market and the ability to switch between public and private accounting can help you make smart career choices. Whether you go for public accounting, private accounting, or both, getting the right experience can boost your career and open up lots of opportunities in the accounting world.

Must-Have Skills for Accountants

Want to make it big in accounting? You need to master a few key skills. These aren’t just for show; they make you better at your job and more attractive to employers. Let’s break down the must-have skills every aspiring accountant should focus on.

Crunching Numbers Like a Pro

First off, you gotta be good with numbers. We’re talking about financial analysis, budgeting, and financial reporting. These are the bread and butter of accounting. The best way to get good? Dive into real-world accounting work. Nothing beats hands-on experience.

Knowing the Rules: GAAP and More

You can’t just wing it in accounting. You need to know the rules, especially GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). These standards keep everything consistent and transparent. If your accounting work experience includes GAAP, you’re already ahead of the game. Knowing these rules means you can handle financial tasks without messing up.

Mastering Accounting Software

In today’s tech-driven world, you can’t ignore accounting software. Employers want folks who can use these tools to make financial processes smoother and faster. Think spreadsheets and account reconciliation software. Get comfy with these, and you’ll be a productivity powerhouse. Practical experience with these tools is a game-changer.

Putting It All Together

So, what’s the takeaway? Focus on three things: being a whiz with numbers, knowing your GAAP, and mastering accounting software. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to climb the ladder, these skills will set you up for success. Get some hands-on experience, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch accountant.

Hands-On Accounting Experience

When diving into accounting work experience, getting your hands dirty is what really shapes your skills. Let’s break down the key parts of practical experience in accounting, focusing on making financial statements, managing your time, and building those all-important soft skills.

Making Financial Statements

Knowing how to whip up financial statements like income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets is a must for any accountant. Getting real-world experience in putting these together not only sharpens your technical skills but also gives you a clear picture of a company’s financial health.

Understanding these statements helps you spot trends, analyze data, and make smart decisions. By rolling up your sleeves and preparing these documents during your work experience, you develop a knack for detail and accuracy—traits that are gold in the accounting world.

Juggling Tasks and Managing Time

Accountants often have to juggle multiple clients and projects at once, so being organized and managing your time well is crucial. Real-world experience helps you polish these skills by throwing you into situations where you have to be on top of your game.

During your work experience, you’ll learn to prioritize tasks, use resources wisely, and handle complex accounting processes within tight deadlines. These skills not only boost your productivity but also show that you can handle stress and stay professional.

Building Soft Skills on the Job

Beyond the technical stuff, work experience in accounting is a great chance to build soft skills that are highly valued in the industry. Talking to clients, working with colleagues, and presenting financial info all require strong communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.


By diving into practical accounting tasks and tackling the challenges that come your way, you not only get better at the technical stuff but also grow the soft skills you need to thrive in a fast-paced field. Take every chance to learn, grow, and sharpen your abilities as you move forward in your accounting career.

Why Accounting Internships Rock

Accounting internships can be a game-changer for your career in accounting and finance. They give you a chance to get your hands dirty with real-world experience, sharpen your skills, and get comfy with essential accounting software.

Kickstarting Your Career

Internships are like the training wheels for your accounting career. They let you take what you learned in class and apply it to real-life situations, helping you solve problems and understand accounting principles better. By diving into hands-on work, you see how accounting works in different businesses, setting you up for future roles.

Real-World Experience and Skill Building

During internships, you get to work on actual accounting projects, which sharpens your analytical skills and attention to detail. This hands-on experience lets you handle financial data, prepare reports, and contribute to a company’s financial health. By getting involved in these tasks, you boost your problem-solving skills and get a solid grasp of accounting concepts.

Getting the Hang of Accounting Software

Knowing your way around accounting software is a big plus these days. Internships let you play with industry-specific tools like QuickBooks and SAP, helping you beef up your tech skills and stay on top of the latest in accounting tech. Getting familiar with these tools not only makes you more efficient but also gets you ready for the software-heavy nature of modern accounting.

By jumping into internships, you open up future job opportunities. Many companies use internships to scout for top talent for full-time positions or referrals. Doing well in your internship can lead to great job prospects and strong recommendations for future roles.

Internships also let you explore different areas within accounting, helping you figure out what you like and expand your professional network. This exploration boosts your resume, making you a well-rounded candidate with a broad understanding of various accounting fields. Plus, networking during internships can lead to valuable connections that might help your career down the road.

Getting into accounting internships not only gives you practical experience but also arms you with the skills, knowledge, and connections you need to thrive in the competitive accounting industry. Grab these opportunities to speed up your career growth and lay a solid foundation for a successful accounting journey.

How Internships Can Supercharge Your Accounting Career

Jumping into accounting internships can be a game-changer for your career. These gigs not only give you hands-on experience but also open up future job opportunities. Let’s break down how internships can shape your accounting journey.

Gateway to Job Offers

Doing an accounting internship is like getting a backstage pass to future job offers. Companies often scout interns for full-time roles, using internships as a way to test the waters. Show off your skills, work ethic, and dedication, and you might just land a permanent spot. Want more tips on landing a job in accounting? Check out accounting recruitment agencies.

Discover Your Niche

Internships let you dip your toes into different areas of accounting. Whether it’s auditing, taxation, or financial analysis, you get to see what each role is all about. This hands-on experience helps you figure out what you love and what you don’t, guiding you toward a career that fits your interests. Need more advice on finding your career path? Look into accounting graduate programs.

Build Your Network and Beef Up Your Resume

One of the best perks of accounting internships is the chance to grow your professional network. You’ll meet industry pros, mentors, and fellow interns who can offer advice, guidance, and even job referrals down the line. Plus, the experience you gain will make your resume shine, showing off the skills and projects you’ve tackled. This makes you a stronger candidate when you’re job hunting. Want to make your resume even better? Check out accounting organizations and societies.

By understanding how internships can boost your accounting career, you can make the most of these opportunities. Gain valuable experience, find your career path, and build a solid professional network. Dive into internships and watch your career in accounting and finance take off.

Johnny Meagher
6 min read

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