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ACCA Advanced Performance Management (APM) Exam: Key Insights from the Examiner’s Report

Key insights from the June 2024 ACCA APM Examiner’s Report: performance alignment, structured answers, and professional skills application.

The ACCA Advanced Performance Management (APM) exam requires a strong understanding of performance measurement, strategic evaluation, and the practical application of management concepts. The June 2024 APM Examiner’s Report highlighted several key themes and common mistakes that candidates should address to improve their performance in future exams.

1. Key Takeaways from the Examiner’s Report

The Examiner’s Report for the June 2024 APM exam highlighted several areas where candidates performed well and areas that require significant improvement:

  • Understanding the Requirements: A common issue was candidates failing to answer the specific question asked. For instance, in Question 1 Part (i), candidates often evaluated Vatten’s performance using dashboard data rather than evaluating if the dashboard aligned with Vatten’s goals.
    • Recommendation: Carefully analyze the question’s verbs, such as “evaluate,” “analyze,” and “advise,” to ensure you address the specific requirements. Tailor your responses to directly answer what is being asked.
  • Structured and Developed Responses: Many answers, especially in Section B, were brief and lacked depth. Bullet point responses were often underdeveloped.
    • Recommendation: Structure answers logically, provide justifications, and develop each point using evidence from the scenario. Expand on bullet points by explaining how each element relates to the scenario context.
  • Effective Use of Scenario Information: Candidates frequently missed opportunities to use the provided data to enhance their analysis.
    • Recommendation: Make sure to thoroughly examine all exhibits, notes, and scenario details. Use the information provided to add depth to your arguments and justify your conclusions.

2. Addressing Common Weaknesses

The report highlighted several specific areas where candidates’ responses were weak and provided insights on how to improve:

  • Evaluation of Performance Dashboards (Question 1 Part (i)): Candidates failed to assess the alignment of the dashboard metrics with Vatten’s aims and provided generic advice instead of addressing the specific issues in the e-commerce system.
    • Improvement Tip: When evaluating a dashboard, always consider whether the metrics align with the company’s strategic goals. If there are gaps in the dashboard, propose additional metrics that could address these shortcomings.
  • Benchmarking Against Competitors (Question 1 Part (ii)): Candidates were instructed to benchmark Vatten’s e-commerce against Snizort in three areas—security, reliability, and cost-effectiveness—but often ignored this structure.
    • Improvement Tip: Follow the specific structure given in the question. Ensure your answer covers all aspects, such as calculations, qualitative analysis, and the type of benchmarking used. Consider why differences exist between companies.
  • Outsourcing Evaluation (Question 1 Part (iii)): Many candidates provided a balanced critique of outsourcing to a CCP without focusing on how it could specifically improve Vatten’s performance.
    • Improvement Tip: Focus on the specific question requirements. Go beyond listing pros and cons, and explain how the outsourcing option would directly enhance the company’s performance, referencing details from the scenario.

3. Importance of Professional Skills

The APM exam places emphasis on professional skills, and the June 2024 Examiner’s Report highlighted areas where candidates struggled to demonstrate these effectively:

  • Analysis & Evaluation: Go beyond identifying issues; offer reasoned judgments, consider implications, and provide supported conclusions.
  • Scepticism: Challenge assumptions made in the scenario, consider data limitations, and highlight any inconsistencies in the approach.
  • Commercial Acumen: Demonstrate awareness of business implications and stakeholder perspectives. Link your recommendations to value creation and business performance.
    • Improvement Tip: Practice incorporating these skills by critically assessing case studies and evaluating decisions in a structured way, always linking back to the strategic objectives of the business.

4. Specific Question Insights

The report provided detailed feedback on specific questions:

  • Question 2 (Big Data and Ethics): Many candidates struggled with the four Vs of big data, especially with the concept of “variety.” Variety refers to the different types of data formats, such as text, images, videos, and social media interactions, rather than just different customer details. Understanding how different data formats contribute to insights is crucial. Additionally, ethical analysis in Part (b) often lacked depth.
    • Improvement Tip: When analyzing big data, ensure you understand the definitions of volume, variety, velocity, and veracity. Explain how each of these characteristics affects data analysis and business decisions. For ethical issues, go beyond repeating the scenario; instead, discuss potential consequences for stakeholders, such as privacy concerns, reputational risks, and regulatory implications.
  • Question 3 (Performance Pyramid and Reward Systems): Candidates often failed to assess Borralan’s reporting system effectively. Responses lacked structure, and many candidates did not relate the reward system back to the objective of maximizing shareholder value.
    • Detailed Improvement Tip: To effectively answer questions on performance measures and reward systems, ensure that you:
      • Link Performance Measures to Strategic Goals: Clearly show how each performance measure supports Borralan’s strategic goals, such as profitability, growth, or customer satisfaction. For example, if a performance measure focuses on production efficiency, explain how improving efficiency will lead to cost savings and ultimately enhance shareholder value.
      • Assess Weaknesses in the Current System: Identify specific weaknesses in Borralan’s reporting system, such as metrics that might drive short-term gains at the expense of long-term value. Discuss how these weaknesses could lead to unintended negative outcomes, such as overproduction or increased costs.
      • Propose Practical Improvements: Suggest actionable improvements that directly align the reward system with the company’s objectives. For example, instead of rewarding volume of production, propose linking rewards to profit margins or customer satisfaction metrics to encourage behaviors that maximize shareholder value.
      • Consider the Performance Pyramid Framework: Utilize the performance pyramid model to assess the balance between operational and strategic measures. Explain whether the current metrics align with different levels of the pyramid, ensuring that both operational excellence and strategic value creation are being addressed.
      • Provide Clear Examples: Use examples to illustrate your points. For instance, if the reward system currently incentivizes production volume, explain how this could lead to overproduction and suggest shifting focus to metrics that drive both efficiency and market responsiveness.

5. Time Management and Logical Structuring

Many candidates faced challenges managing their time effectively during the exam. The Examiner’s Report emphasized the following:

  • Allocate Time by Marks: Convert the marks into minutes and allocate your time accordingly. A 25-mark question should take roughly 45 minutes.
  • Prioritize the Question Requirements: Avoid spending too much time on familiar areas. Instead, focus on answering all questions with adequate depth.
    • Practice Tip: Regularly complete full mock exams under timed conditions. This will help you become more comfortable with pacing yourself and ensure that you can complete all parts of the exam.

This is where practice and mock exams could make a significant difference to your success, as they help you build familiarity with the exam format, improve time management, and develop your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios effectively.

6. Practice Ethical Analysis

Ethical issues featured prominently in the June 2024 APM exam. Candidates are expected to:

  • Identify Ethical Dilemmas: Avoid just repeating the scenario details. Analyze how ethical issues affect stakeholders and the company’s long-term reputation.
  • Discuss Consequences: Consider the potential outcomes of unethical actions, such as reputational damage, loss of customer trust, or legal implications.
    • Practice Tip: Use case studies to analyze real-world ethical dilemmas, and discuss the implications for business performance and stakeholder trust.

FAQ: Common Questions About the APM Exam

Q1: How can I effectively manage my time during the APM exam?

A1: Time management is crucial. Convert the marks for each question into minutes to determine how much time to allocate. Practice completing past papers under timed conditions to improve your pacing and comfort with time pressure.

Q2: How can I improve my ability to align performance measures with strategic goals?

A2: When analyzing performance measures, always consider how they support the company’s overall strategy. Use models like the performance pyramid to see if the measures align with organizational objectives such as profitability, growth, and sustainability.

Q3: How do I provide a strong ethical analysis in the APM exam?

A3: Go beyond just stating the ethical issues. Consider who is affected, what the consequences are, and how these actions align with ethical standards. Reference frameworks like the ACCA Code of Ethics to strengthen your argument.

Q4: What should I do to better use scenario information in my answers?

A4: Always relate your points to the details provided in the scenario. Use data and specifics from the exhibits to justify your arguments. Practicing with case studies can help improve this skill.

Q5: How do I demonstrate professional skills effectively?

A5: Demonstrate professional skills by providing balanced analysis, showing scepticism, and linking recommendations to value creation. Practice writing answers that critically assess the information, identify gaps or risks, and consider business implications.

Q6: What should I keep in mind about structuring my answers?

A6: Use a logical structure that follows the requirements of the question. Start with an introduction, break down your answer into clear sections, and end with a conclusion that ties everything together. Practice structuring your answers with headings and subheadings to make them easy to follow.


The APM exam demands not only a deep understanding of performance management theories but also the ability to apply these concepts practically, demonstrating professional skills like commercial acumen, ethical reasoning, and scepticism. Use these insights from the June 2024 Examiner’s Report to guide your study and improve your performance in future APM exams.

Philip Meagher
6 min read

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