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Changes to the structure of tasks in SBL

This blog discusses the changes to the structure of tasks in SBL. Each task will now be completed as a requirement in a separate response option or options.

The SBL exam continues to be an integrated case study; therefore, a task can draw on one or more exhibits from the pre-seen. However, from September 2023, the exam will no longer be answered as a requirement in a one-word processor document. Each task will now be completed as a requirement in a separate response option. As a result, the exam workspace area will look slightly different, with only one task showing at a time. It will no longer be possible to view all tasks together as has been possible before.

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As each task will be considered as a separate question when answering, the appropriate response option must be chosen for each requirement, depending on the format.

In figure 1 above, the highlighted information shows Task 1 is to be completed. Figure 2 below shows the task 1 window is open.

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Task 1 has two parts. Part a) asks for a report to the board. Therefore, the word processor option would be selected from the response options to write this report.

Part b) asks for two presentation slides with accompanying notes. This means the slides option would be selected from the response options to answer this part of the requirement.

Once Task 1 is completed, click next to go to Task 2, which is shown below in Figure 3.

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You will note that the exhibits, pre-seen, and response options are the same; the only change is the requirement which is now Task 2.

Task 2 again has two parts. Part a) asks for a briefing paper that requires the word processor response option. Part b) asks for an email which again requires a word processor response option. Therefore, in answering Task 2, students only need to select the word processor response option and present both the answers to part a and part b in one word document. The first part of the word document will be a briefing paper, and the second part will be an email.

Clicking ‘next’ will move students to the final task, Task 3.

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Again, the same exhibits, pre-seen and response options are visible on screen but with a different task (Task 3), as shown in Figure 4.

Task 3 asks for briefing notes. Although there are two parts, both requirements are to be in a briefing note to the finance director, so only one response option is required, which will be the word processor option in this case.

The key message is that the tasks must be answered separately by choosing appropriate response options, although they all form part of the integrated case study. The word processor response option continues to be the main response option, and slides should only be used when a presentation is asked for. The use of the spreadsheet response option is a personal judgement depending on how much manipulation of data from information given in exhibits is deemed necessary in backing up points in the assigned task.

We will be updating our CBE mock exams to reflect these changes closer to the exam date.

Read more: SBL Exams: Everything You Need To Know

Evita Veigas
3 min read
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