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ACCA Success: Insights from a Recent ACCA Affiliate

Discover how Hashim Minhas balanced full-time work with ACCA studies to achieve success and stay motivated.

Introduction and Background:

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background?

My name’s Hashim Minhas, and I’m now an ACCA Affiliate! I graduated with a first class (honours) Bsc in Business Management with Accounting from Brunel University in 2021, and I have worked in accounting since graduating.

Journey with Learnsignal:

How did you discover Learnsignal, and what made you choose it for your ACCA preparation?

I discovered Learnsignal when my employer discussed how they could support my ACCA studies. Learnsignal was one of the options they recommended, and I chose them because the on-demand learning model appealed to me. I didn’t feel I had the time to attend classes in the evening (plus, who wants to work all day just to attend a class in the evening?!)

How did Learnsignal support you throughout your ACCA journey?

Learnsignal has been a huge help in supporting me in my ACCA journey! For my first exam with them, APM, I initially found it tough studying on-demand, and being by myself rather than learning alongside others, and it was quite a lonely experience. But then I got my APM result back and was like “Oh, maybe I’ll be sticking with these guys!” (it was a pass). I’ve done all of my Professional papers with them and smashed each one with their help.

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Exam Preparation and Strategies

Can you share your study routine and how you managed your time effectively?

A “little and often” approach worked best for me. I would leave attempt an exam every 6 months, and then start studying fairly early, so that it meant I could do a little bit of studying consistently, and then as I got closer to the exam, I would build up my study intensity. I don’t particularly like studying and, when studying, I have the attention span of toddler that’s seen an ice cream van, so this approach was good for me, and is something that Learsignal’s model supports. I would first work through the modules in order, making notes as I went along, and completing the knowledge quizzes after each lesson. I’d throw in an exam question every now and again, but would attack these particularly in the last month before my exam, by which point I would’ve covered all the content.

Something that I’ve done since my A-levels is make concise notes on sticky notes, and then plaster them around my room. If you walked into my room, you’d think I was some kind of crazed stalker, but it was all content related notes I swear! That way, I would be exposed to my notes even when getting ready in the morning, or larking about in my room. This definitely helped me, and

Learnsignal’s lessons definitely aided this process.

Resource Utilization:

Which resources or tools from Learnsignal did you find most helpful?

I liked Learnsignal’s CBE platform, that was really helpful, the questions were taken from ACCA’s question bank and the CBE environment is similar to ACCA’s own. I like the short video lessons on the content, they can just be left to play whilst I’m doing other things and I would still be able to follow along. The summarised end of module notes were also really good.

How did you balance between theory and practical case studies in your preparation?

In terms of balancing theory and exam practice, I would try to clear a module, then do a practice question or two just so I could gauge if I had a grasp on the content, then would proceed to the next module. I would do most of my question practice as I got close to the exam.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while preparing for the AAA exam?

Some of my biggest challenges while preparing for the AAA exam were the perceived level of knowledge needed, and understanding what the examiner was asking. Also, having a full-time job alongside studying is never fun.

Regarding the perceived level of knowledge, I thought I would have to know ALL of SBR and ALL of AAA, and this got quite overwhelming. I learned that not every IFRS will come up in AAA, so I did research on the ones that most commonly came up and had a brief refresh of the notes I made for SBR, and then in the exam, I ended up being OK in terms of knowledge.

The examiner asks questions in a weird way in AAA, so much so that I (a highly skilled user of the English language) occasionally had trouble understanding what was being asked in my question practice. I overcame this by watching the masterclasses from Conor and debriefing the questions that I worked on.

How did you overcome these challenges and stay motivated?

Motivation was also a challenge, as it is for everyone, but if you need motivation to do something, you probably won’t stick to it, so I ingrained within myself the need to study in order to pass this final exam, so I could become an Affiliate.

Exam Day Insights:

Can you walk us through your experience on the day of the AAA exam?

It was just another centre-based exam for me. I showed up to the centre, took my seat, said hello to the person sat next to me (who I realised was actually an old colleague of mine!), then did some last-minute revision, and commenced my exam.

How did you manage stress and stay focused during the exam?

The exam was a spicy one, certainly some challenging questions, I remember having to contend with government grants and sustainability reporting (ISǪMs and whatnot), but thankfully I’d prepared well and actually was not terribly stressed in the exam. I wrote a healthy amount for each question, answered all the questions, and wrote professionally. I didn’t want to jinx anything until results day, but as I finished the exam, I had a good feeling about it.

Advice for Fellow Students:

What advice would you give to other ACCA students, especially those preparing for the AAA exam?

My advice for ACCA students is to think beyond just BPP & Kaplan, and figure out how you learn best, i.e. slow and steady, crash course, etc., and then find a provider that supports that. Not everyone likes seeing textbooks the same depth as their head!

For AAA in particular, I would say to start early, MAKE SURE you’ve sat SBR already and that you still have your notes (you’re cooked otherwise), and utilise a variety of resources for your learning. Definitely look up Ben Wilson and use the resources he puts out; you’ll find it tough to pass if you don’t! ACCA themselves also release helpful content, and Ben is usually the one that delivers this.

Also, try not to worry about that low pass rate. Think of yourself being on the winning side! Just think of how amazing you’ll feel when you’re among the roughly 35% of people that pass, that’ll be a major flex!

Motivation and Inspiration:

Can you share any motivational tips for students who are struggling with their ACCA studies?

Nothing worth doing comes easy. You may fail. A lot. You may lose faith in a lot of things, but don’t ever lose faith in your ability to succeed. Don’t doubt that you can complete your ACCA studies. I heard of someone that failed SBR 12 times, and then passed! If an approach isn’t working for you, run it back and switch it up. Find a study buddy, a change of environment, a change of job that can give you more free time, do what you feel you need to do to give you the best chance of passing. It’s a few years of pain and struggle for something that will change your life! Once you’re done, your parents & loved ones will be so proud, you’ll be proud, life will be sweet once again!

How did you stay motivated throughout your ACCA journey, and what kept you going during tough times?

What kept me going was the sense of purpose I had. I loved having a singular goal for over 3 years, something to work towards, I knew I had somewhere to be. I love learning and education, so I reminded myself that I’m studying to make myself better and more knowledgeable. I also imagined how I would feel once I got it all done. And, hey, it doesn’t hurt that I knew my earnings potential would go through the roof!

Future Aspirations:

What are your future career aspirations now that you are an ACCA affiliate?

Well, I would soon like to obtain a more technical accounting-based role, most likely in practice as that’s where the most development happens. I eventually hope to break into management accounting and become a valued & important member of an organisation.

How do you plan to leverage your ACCA qualification in your professional life?

I plan on leveraging my ACCA qualification by reminding everyone that I’m a chartered accountant, and that they’re wrong and should trust me instead! Only joking; I am definitely putting it on my CV in the hopes that it will allow me to stand a good shot of securing high-paying roles in industries where I can utilise the knowledge I have gained in my studies, as I definitely enjoyed a lot of the content that I studied and would like to take my development further.

Johnny Meagher
6 min read
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