Blog Program: General
Get best General Articles on Insights, Advice and Tips in Knowledge category for learners, exclusively from experts of learnsignal.

Market risk
One of the major aims of many financial institutions is the generation of profits through investment in global financ...

Black Gold: The Economic Importance of Crude Oil
Crude oil is a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons found underground.

M&A process
The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process has many steps and can often take anywhere from 6 months to several years ...

Sovereign Credit Rating, Sovereign Debt and Sovereign Default
A sovereign credit rating is an assessment of a country’s creditworthiness. It shows the level of risk associated w...

Domain Knowledge
In data science, the term domain knowledge refers to the general background knowledge of the field or environment to ...

AR Financing
Accounts receivable financing means short-term funding that a business can draw on using its receivables.

Equity Carve Out
Through an Equity Carve-Out, a company tactically separates a subsidiary from its parent as a standalone company.