Blog Program: General
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Transaction Risk
Transaction Risk refer to the risk when the cash flow of one currency must be exchanged for another at a future date ...
What is Stress Testing?
Stress testing is a type of scenario analysis that looks at a financial outcome based on a specific "stress" placed o...
Bull and Bear Spread
Bull and Bear spread are two common hedging strategies.
Continental Illinois
Continental Illinois was at one time the largest bank in Chicago which aggressively pursued both commercial and indus...
Risk Aggregation
In order to determine the total enterprise risk for a financial institution, all risks must be aggregated and analyzed
What is Potential Future Exposure?
Potential Future Exposure is actually derived from MTM and revaluing the portfolio and considered an estimate of MTM,...
Backtesting VaR
Backtesting attempts to verify whether actual losses are reasonably consistent with projected losses.It compares valu...
What is Sovereign Risk?
Sovereign Risk is the risk that the country will default on its financial obligations.
Conditional Prepayment Rate
The CPR is the annual rate at which a mortgage pool balance is assumed to be prepaid during the life of the pool.