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ACCA Strategic Business Leader (SBL) Exam: Key Insights from the Examiner’s Report

The ACCA Strategic Business Leader (SBL) exam demands more than technical knowledge. Let’s dive into key strategies for the June 2024 SBL exam.

The Strategic Business Leader (SBL) exam, a crucial part of the ACCA qualification, demands more than just technical knowledge. To succeed, candidates must demonstrate applied business skills, effective time management, and professional presentation. Let’s dive into some key strategies that can help you master the June 2024 SBL exam.

1. Make the Most of the Examiner’s Report

One of the most valuable resources for preparing for the SBL exam is the Examiner’s Report. It not only provides an insight into the exam’s structure but also helps you understand the expectations for each task. The report highlights the importance of applying knowledge from the pre-seen material and integrating it effectively with the new information provided during the exam. Simply copying information from the pre-seen documents won’t earn you marks; instead, you need to show your analytical skills by connecting it to the task at hand.

2. Understand the Exam Structure

The SBL exam is an integrated case study that lasts for 3 hours and 15 minutes. Here’s a breakdown of its structure:

  • Duration: 3 hours and 15 minutes.
  • Case Study Context: The exam revolves around a fictional company, such as PVS in the June 2024 exam. You need to analyse and apply your knowledge within this specific business context.
  • Marking Scheme: The exam is marked on an 80/20 split:
    • Technical Knowledge (80%): Demonstrating your understanding of the syllabus and applying it effectively to the scenario.
    • Professional Skills (20%): Showcasing skills such as communication, analysis, and scepticism, and presenting your answer in a professional format.

To succeed, ensure your answers are well-rounded—showing not only what you know but also how professionally you can present it.

3. Analyse Exhibits Effectively

The exhibits provided during the exam are not just there to fill space; they are central to your answers. The Examiner’s Report consistently highlights that candidates who fail to utilise the exhibits properly often produce answers that lack depth and context. Here are some detailed steps to effectively use the exhibits:

  • Thorough Analysis: Carefully read through each exhibit to understand its purpose and context.
  • Identify Key Issues: Pinpoint the most relevant information that addresses the task requirements.
  • Extract Necessary Information: Extract data, statements, or insights that can be used to support your arguments.
  • Integrate with Your Knowledge: Use the information from the exhibits alongside your technical knowledge to build a coherent and well-supported answer.
  • Answer Structuring: Let the content of the exhibits guide how you structure your response—use it to create logical flow and depth in your analysis.

Effective use of the exhibits is essential to demonstrate your ability to interpret and apply information in a practical, real-world scenario. Candidates should avoid merely summarising the exhibits and instead focus on how the information directly impacts the decision-making process in the given context.

4. Time Management Is Crucial

Time management is a common challenge in the SBL exam, and the June 2024 exam was no exception. A suggested approach is to allocate time based on the marks available for each task—ensuring you stay on track and avoid spending too much time on a single section. Planning your answers before writing them will help maintain focus and prevent unnecessary repetition.

5. Avoid Common Pitfalls

The Examiner’s Report identified several common reasons for failure in the June 2024 exam, including:

  • Over-reliance on copying: Copying directly from the exhibits without adding your analysis demonstrates a lack of understanding.
  • Lack of point development: Answers must go beyond stating facts. They should explain the relevance and connect the information to the given scenario.
  • Unprofessional presentation: Professional skills marks depend on presenting your answer in an appropriate format, tone, and style. Failing to align with these requirements can cost valuable marks.

6. Focus on Professional Skills

The SBL exam allocates 20% of the marks to professional skills. This means it’s not just about knowing the technical content; you also need to demonstrate skills such as communication, commercial acumen, analysis, and scepticism. Whether it’s writing a report for the CEO or evaluating a new venture, ensure that your responses are formatted and presented professionally. For example, when addressing the concerns of PVS’s CEO regarding a joint venture, your analysis should be clear, concise, and directly aligned with the company’s objectives.

7. Learn from Past Tasks

Exam feedback often highlights specific tasks that challenge candidates. For instance, in the June 2024 exam, many candidates struggled with analysing PVS’s internal control weaknesses. Here’s a more detailed approach based on the Examiner’s Report:

  • Identifying Weaknesses: Begin by thoroughly examining the internal control environment. Look for gaps in processes, inconsistencies in procedures, and areas where risks are not adequately managed. Use the exhibits provided to pinpoint specific weaknesses in PVS’s credit control department.
  • Understanding Implications: Once weaknesses are identified, consider their impact on PVS’s operations. For example, poor credit control could lead to increased bad debts, cash flow issues, or reputational damage. Clearly articulate how each weakness could affect the overall business.
  • Suggesting Practical Recommendations: Go beyond identifying issues by providing realistic and actionable recommendations. For instance, if a weakness is poor communication between departments, recommend establishing formal communication channels or using a centralised system for better coordination. Make sure your suggestions are specific, feasible, and tailored to PVS’s context.

Avoid vague suggestions; instead, propose specific actions that can realistically address the issues, ensuring your recommendations are practical and can be implemented effectively within PVS.

8. Embrace Planning and Structure

Planning your response is not a waste of time; it’s an investment that directly impacts your performance. Here are some detailed steps to help you plan effectively:

  • Outline Task Requirements: Carefully read the question and outline the specific requirements. Understand what is being asked, including any deliverables, formats, or specific audiences for your response.
  • Identify Key Points: Note down the key points you want to include in your answer. These should address the requirements of the task and be supported by information from the exhibits or your technical knowledge.
  • Allocate Time: Allocate a specific amount of time for planning, writing, and reviewing your answer. Stick to these time limits to ensure you complete all tasks within the exam duration.
  • Develop Systematically: Develop each point in a logical order. Make sure each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next, maintaining a coherent structure throughout.
  • Include Evidence and Examples: Where possible, incorporate evidence from the exhibits to back up your points. This not only strengthens your arguments but also demonstrates your ability to apply the information provided.

This structured approach will help in managing time efficiently and ensure your answers are balanced, comprehensive, and easy for the examiner to follow.


Success in the SBL exam lies in the application of knowledge, effective time management, and professional presentation. Make sure you understand the role of each element of the exam—the pre-seen material, the exhibits, and the specific requirements of each task. Use the Examiner’s Report as a guide to avoid common pitfalls and enhance your exam strategy. By focusing on these aspects, you will be well on your way to mastering the SBL exam.

Philip Meagher
4 min read

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