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What is Bayes’ Rule?

By using knowledge about one event’s outcome, Bayes’ Rule allows us to estimate the unconditional probability of another event.

What is Bayes’ Rule?

The Bayes’ Rule helps us to enhance our estimations of the unconditional probability of another event by using knowledge about the outcome of one event. In addition, it is regarded as the cornerstone of Bayes’ inference approach to statistical inference. Furthermore, this approach uses the unconditional probabilities of A and B, as well as information about the conditional probability of A given B, to compute the probability of B given A.

Example of Bayes’ Rule:

$ P(A|B) = \frac{P(A|B) × P(A) P(B)}{P(B)} $
A , B = events
P(A|B)= probability of A given B is true
P(A), P(B)= the independent probabilities of A and B

Bayes’ rule has many financial and risk management applications. For example, suppose that 10% of fund managers are superstars. Superstars have a 20% chance of beating their benchmark by more than 5% each year, whereas regular fund managers have only a 5% chance of winning their benchmark by more than 5%.

Moreover, let’s assume that this fund manager consistently outperforms her benchmark over several years. Therefore, it is reasonable to question whether her performance is due to skill or luck. Despite the impressive 7% outperformance, there is still a chance that she is not a superstar. Consequently, it is essential to analyze additional data to determine the likelihood of her being a top performer.

Here, event A is the manager significantly outperforming the fund’s benchmark. Event B is that the manager is a superstar.
Using Bayes’ rule:

$ Pr(Star| High Return)= \frac{Pr(High Return | Star) Pr(Star)}{Pr(High Return)} $

There’s a 10% chance of a superstar, and if she is a superstar, there’s a 20% chance of a high return. The probability of a high return from either type of manager is Pr(High Return) = Pr(High Return]Star) Pr(Star) + Pr(High Return | Normal) Pr(Normal) = 20% x 10% + 5% x 90% = 6.5%

Why is Bayes’ Rule important?

Bayes’ rule teaches us how we can use information from one event to gain insight into another occurrence. This powerful concept is rooted in fundamental probability principles. Since analysts often seek to update their perspectives based on new evidence, Bayes’ rule proves to be an incredibly valuable and practical tool.

Owais Siddiqui
2 min read
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